
aia Fàbregas (Barcelona, ​​1973) has a degree in Fine Arts from the Universitat de Barcelona.

Entre els anys 1997 i 2010 va viure als Països Baixos. Allà va treballar de secretària en un banc, de dissenyadora gràfica en una empresa de bombes industrials, de comptable en un festival artístic i d’assistent en una galeria d’art. També es va treure el certificat en gestió d’empreses culturals a la Universitat Erasmus de Rotterdam.

Between 1997 and 2010 she lived in the Netherlands, where she worked as a secretary in a bank, graphic designer in a company of industrial pumps, accounting assistant in an art festival and assistant in an art gallery. She also got the Certificate Arts and Culture management from the Erasmus University Rotterdam.

In 2003, she was working as a consultant while she enrolled at the Gerrit Rietveld art school in Amsterdam to study a new speciality of art and text. That year she regained some stories she had written in Catalan when she was nineteen, about a girl who only had nine fingers. She translated several paragraphs into Dutch, and continued writing.

In January 2008 the Dutch publishing house Anthos published Het meisje met de negen vingers. The book received praise from critics in the Netherlands and has been translated into Spanish, Catalan, French, Italian, Danish, Norwegian and Turkish.

In 2010 Landen was published, in Dutch, Spanish, Catalan and French, and in 2013 Gele Dagen came out, published in Catalan and Dutch.

Since 2012, she teaches creative writing at the writing school Laboratori de Lletres in Barcelona. Since 2014 she is also director of the school. In October 2019 she launched the Master in Literary Creation at the Laboratori de Lletres.

In January 2021 her fourth novel No escriuré la teva història was published in Catalan.

The astronauts' silence

The story of a mother and daughter who fight to adapt to the environment, and of an American boy who will help them without knowing it.

Laia Fàbregas

© 2023 Laia Fàbregas