It all begins always with a sentence.
An extraordinary sentence.

I write. I create stories from primal ideas that are nothing more than a spark. Like the opening sentence of Landen: "He died during the landing". I write novels that you can find in bookstores and libraries.

The astronauts' silence

The story of a mother and daughter who fight to adapt to the environment, and of an American boy who will help them without knowing it.

I teach. I show how I do this writing from scratch and without a map. Because if I can do it, maybe you can too. I teach Creative Writing, Writing and Style courses and also the Màster de Creació Literària at Laboratori de Lletres.

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Writing courses in Catalan

I train. I help companies and organizations to express themselves better at writing; to order the text and to simplify it; to use the semicolon, and to avoid repetitive words. I give trainings to companies at Laboratori de Talent.

I advise. I give counsel to companies to improve their processes, to better manage their projects, to implement changes. Because I know how to see processes and changes with a panoramic view, and I know how to order things that seem impossible to order, like my novels when they start to get out of my head. I am an organization consultant for companies at Laboratori de Talent.

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Training and consulting for companies and professionals
We provide the tools for businesses and professionals to achieve their goals effectively



7,305 letters

Públicat el 1 de April de 2021 per Laia
El 2 d’abril d’aquest any farà vint anys que escric una carta cada dia. Escric a mà sobre un paper, o sobre una entrada d’una exposició, o sobre un dibuix del meu fill. Cada dia n’escric una, la fico ...

Pregnancy after miscarriage

Públicat el 11 de April de 2016 per Laia
Des que vaig perdre la Queralt he après unes quantes coses sobre les diferents dimensions del dol gestacional. Coses que tenen a veure amb la meva experiència i d’altres que tenen a veure amb les expe...

The method of the rational writer

Públicat el 1 de March de 2016 per Laia
Si a l’últim post vaig parlar de l’escriptor intuïtiu, avui faré una aproximació al mètode de l’escriptor racional que, com ja vaig dir, és el més descrit en la majoria de manuals d’escriptura que es ...

Laia Fàbregas

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