Pregnancy after miscarriage

Públicat el 11 de April de 2016 per Laia

Ever since I lost Queralt I’ve learned a few things about the various dimensions of grief after a miscarriage. Things that have to do with my own experience and others having to do with the experiences of other women who have unfortunately gone through a similar situation. One of the things I’ve learned is that…

We are missing a word

Públicat el 18 de December de 2015 per Laia

English has the word miscarriage to describe the spontaneous loss of a pregnancy. In my language (Catalan) and also in Spanish we have to say abortion. Spontaneous abortion, okay, but really everyone calls it abortion. And an abortion is not the same thing as a miscarriage. It can also be called pregnancy loss or stillbirth…


Públicat el 10 de December de 2015 per Laia

I’ve always admired people who keep a blog. It requires a lot of discipline, to have much to say, or to be eager to share with the world what you think or what you do. Although I work as a teacher and I am often in the position to have to speak to a group…


As I wrote on the post Why, this blog deals with two very different topics: writing and miscarriages. If you are interested in both subjects, you can read post after post. If you just want to read about one of them, I recommend you choose the appropriate category to filter only the posts of the topic you want.

Writing: 'Writing'

Pregnancy loss: 'Queralt'


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